The Health Benefits of Painting Have Been Proven

This post was originally published 17 July 2019 and updated on 5th July 2021

The Benefits of Painting Are Many

You may have heard that learning to paint will relieve stress or anxiety. Did you know, though, that there are also other benefits to your mental health that come from painting. 

  • Scientific studies have concluded that viewing and creating art can have a positive effect on the brain.
  • Looking at our favourite artworks can create a feeling of joy, similar to being in love. 
  • Furthermore, creating art for ourselves actually improves brain function which helps to keep our minds sharp as we age.

What Happens When We View Art

An article written in 2011 in the UK’s Telegraph details the results of a study conducted at University College London.  The article explains exactly what happens to the brain when we view art.

A group of people were asked to undergo brain scans while viewing 30 paintings by some of the world’s most well-known artists.  The study concluded that blood flow to a certain part of the brain increased by up to 10% when participants were looking at the artworks they found to be the most beautiful.  This is similar to what happens when we look at someone we love.

“Works of art can give as much joy as being head over heels in love, according to a new scientific study”

Robert Mendick, Chief Reporter, UK Telegraph.

Why It’s Better to Create Art

Apparently, though, the biggest benefits come when you create art for yourself.  In 2017 Ashford University staff published an article which explains how creating art has a much greater effect that merely viewing art.

Researchers liken creating art with exercise for the brain, and even suggest that similar to how physical exercise aids the body, creating art may help to keep the mind sharp and lucid well into old age.
Beyond that, creating art can actually help you cope with stressful and difficult situations you face in everyday life

Ashford University Staff

The article by Ashford University Staff was based on a study conducted in Germany in 2014 entitled How Art Changes Your Brain: Differential Effects of Visual Art Production and Cognitive Art Evaluation on Functional Brain Connectivity.  The study was conducted on two groups of recently retired individuals.  One group learned to appreciate art and the other learned to create art.   Interestingly, what they found was that there was a significant improvement in the function of the brain among the group who were asked to create art. The other group, who were merely viewing art, saw little to no improvement.

My Own Experience With The Benefits of Painting

I have long held the view that we need to exercise both the left and right side of the brains to achieve life balance and find true happiness. This is not something I have learned through reading studies.  It’s just the conclusion I have come to from my own life experience.  The happiest times in my life have come from creating art but also from learning and working towards a goal, whether it be in art, work, education or fitness.

The Right Brain

The urge to paint started for me as a little inkling in my right brain that told me I wanted to be able to capture images in a way that no photo can. I had no idea if I could do it, I just knew I wanted to try. Since then art has turned into a lifetime journey for me. There have been many milestones along the way, from creating my first artwork to selling my work, participating in exhibitions, painting commissions, creating public works of art and finally teaching others to paint. With each milestone comes greater satisfaction, pride and a little more confidence.

Now I am at the point where I get the most enjoyment from helping others to find the happiness in life through art. That’s why I share everything I know about painting and why I create online art courses. Learning to paint should be fun, not frustrating. That’s why I make my lessons as easy as possible for anyone to follow, no matter what your level of painting experience.

The Left Brain

This is where the left brain comes in. In order to create my online art courses I have had to learn so many things. First, I had to identify my painting process. Then I had to learn how to film my work, edit the videos, write scripts, design the lessons and set up a course website. That is just for starters. The hardest thing I have had to learn in relation to teaching art online is the marketing. I never thought I would be able to do it because am not a self promotion kind of person at all. In fact I am naturally very shy. But I did it. I committed to the task and learned how to create and post on social media, manage an email list, I’ve even done a few Facebook Live events despite being terrified to do so. It turns out you can learn to do anything when you set your mind to it.

And you know what? I am super proud of what I have created.

I get a real kick out of seeing the finished artwork created by my students and knowing that I played a small part in their success. And of course the amount of feedback I get from my customers is great for my ego. It’s more than that, though. Art gives my life purpose beyond my day-to-day responsibilities and makes me feel like I have something of value to offer the world. It makes me happy.

Painting has given me so much more than I ever thought it would. That’s why I am so passionate about helping others to learn to paint.

I know that there are many people out there who are now at that point where I was in 1996 with that little inkling of an urge to learn to paint. That’s why I am creating new art learning resources every day that will help you, not to copy the art of others but to create art of your own. I want everyone to be able to find the joy in painting that I have.

Confession time

I still really struggle with the marketing side of things so if you could help me get the word out about Blue Beach House Art by sharing on social media I would really appreciate it.

For free art resources please return to the Blue Beach House Art Home Page. For more information about my online art courses you can visit the Blue Beach House Art School website