Choose Your Painting Medium to Suit Your Personality

tubes of acrylic paint needed to complete any painting

Choose your painting medium according to your personality and avoid handing out cash for a lot of painting supplies you are probably never going to use. If you’re thinking about taking up painting or even if you have already started your art journey, you may have been wondering about all the different materials that are available.…

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How To Paint Realistic Palm Trees

realistic palm tree blowing in wind demonstration painting for video art tutorial

How to Paint Realistic Palm Trees I’ve spent my fair share of time on tropical islands and one thing I know is that the wind is almost always blowing there.  Why is it then that when you see paintings of tropical scenes with palm trees in they always look so stiff and stagnant?  Don’t worry,…

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What Colors You Can Use To Make Black

tubes of acrylic paint needed to complete any painting

Blacks from the tube, just like white from the tube, can often look flat and dull in your work. It is in these instances that you will find mixing your own blacks will give you a much better result.

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