How to Find Time for Your Art

4 Ways to Find More Time For Painting

We all know just how hard it can be to find time to devote to art. If you are like me, then you go through periods where you just can’t seem to find time to pick up a brush. Well, I want to share with you some of the techniques that I use to find more time for painting.

I love to create art, have done for years. I love creating art so much that I decided to make it my full time job. Even though painting is a core part of my work, I often struggle to fit it into my day.  There are just so many other things that I have to do each week. I’m trying to run an online mosaic business, develop my painting course, run an orderly home, keep myself fit and still make time for my friends and family.  

A painting session means dragging my paints out, getting set up, getting my head into the art space and then doing the clean-up afterwards. Sometimes this all just seems to be a bit too hard to fit into the limited time I have.

However, I still have big art dreams.  If I don’t find the time to paint, how will I ever achieve them? 

So I now use the following techniques to make sure I find the time for painting.

1. Make self-care a priority in your life.

This one is about getting your head in the right space.  I am sure you have heard it before but taking time out for yourself is vitally important to your mental health. Often in life, especially if you are a woman, society trains us to place the needs of others ahead of our own.   Having some “me” time, though, will make you a happier, more productive person.  This will not only benefit you but also those around you, including your family and your boss.  It’s just like they tell you in the aircraft safety demo, take care of yourself first before assisting others.

For me, art is a very important part of my self-care.  It takes me away from other worries, it is mine and mine alone.  I always feel better when I am using my time productively. It gives me a great sense of pride to think that I can create something valuable with my own two hands.  Most of all, though, I do it purely for myself, just because I want to.  

In the past, those around me may not have understood why I need my own time to create art.  Now they do because I have made sure to tell them, again and again and again.  So, if you find others won’t give you the time you need then don’t be afraid to stand up and take it for yourself.

2. Schedule art into your day

As an artist and Nannapreneur, (yes, I made that word up) I always have way more things on my to do list than I could possibly complete in a 24 hour day.  So, in order to maximise my productivity I have trained myself to work to a daily schedule. It’s just like I would do if I were working in the corporate world. 

I spend about 25 hours per week in the studio and at least another 25 hours working on the business side of things.  Of these 25 hours, mosaic orders must be my first priority because I have customer deadlines to meet.  They often take up the majority of my studio time so, as you can see, my painting time is precious.  In order to make sure I fit in at least some painting time, any mosaic orders I receive after Monday just have to wait until the next week.

So I guess what I am saying is that just because your painting time is for pleasure doesn’t mean it is not important enough to be part of your weekly schedule.  Sometimes it doesn’t matter how many hours you put in, your work will never be done.   Therefore, if you don’t take some time off for pleasurable activities when will THEY ever get done.   Don’t feel guilty about taking time out.  The work will still be there next week.

3. Aim to do just 10 minutes

I don’t know about you but I always tend to run behind time with my schedule. Everything always takes longer than you think it’s going to.  So when mosaic time is over and painting time is due to begin it can be later in the day.   When this happens, I have been guilty of thinking to myself  “it’s not worth starting now because the light will be gone in an hour”.  Next thing you know, I have put it off again and no painting gets done that week.

So my solution is that I tell myself I will just do 10 minutes.  (By the way this trick works great for exercise as well) About 99.99% of the time, once I get started, I get really engrossed in my work and end up painting for much longer than that.  But you know what, even if I only do half an hour, I am still making progress.  Eventually all those half hours add up and I end up with a finished painting.

4. Create a stay-wet palette

Another thing that was holding me back from getting the paints out was having to clean off my palette at the end of each session. I didn’t want to waste all that unused paint.  Then I heard about the stay-wet palette.  You can keep your paint workable for weeks in this thing.

No need to buy one from the art shop.  It is the easiest thing in the world to make.  Simply take a flat storage container, lay a couple of damp kitchen sponges in the bottom and cover with baking (parchment) paper.  Squeeze your paints out of the tube onto the baking paper.

When you are finished painting you simply put the lid back on the container and your paint will stay workable for weeks.  Don’t ask me how this works because I don’t know, but it does.  I always though baking paper was moisture-proof.  Maybe it’s just the humidity in the container.  I don’t know.

No More Excuses

There you have it. You now have 4 ways to help you make time for your art. If lack of time is what’s been holding you back from becoming the artist that you want to be then I say there are now no more excuses.

Don’t worry, though, I have also been guilty of making excuses for not putting enough time into my art. There will always be obstacles but, at the end of the day, we really just have to put the time in if we want to move forward.

Maybe time isn’t a problem for you. If not, you might want to read some more of my blog articles here

If something else that has been holding you back from achieving your art goals then please let me know what it is. I would like to help with that too if I can.

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