What is it that's been holding you back from finding your inner artist?
- You don't know what equipment to buy or where to start?
- You've tried painting on your own but can't seem to get anywhere?
- All the tutorials you have watched are too fast, don't go into enough detail or can't help you fix your mistakes?
- You don't want to have to go through all the boring first lessons and paintings of fruit to get to the good stuff.
I get that when you first make the decision to learn to paint you might not care about all the technical terms or the artsy fartsy jargon. You just want to be able to create something beautiful you can be proud of. In this course I explain my painting methods in simple language anyone can understand. Warning: sometimes I may use my own technical terms such as a "smidgen" or a "splodge" of paint.
I also understand that you might not get it right the first time and you may need to make corrections along the way. That doesn't mean you should give up. That's why I include troubleshooting tips and advice on how to fix common mistakes in my lessons.
I know you don't want your art to be a poor imitation of somebody else's work, you want to develop your own unique painting style. That's why I show you the basic art techniques to create realistic looking paintings but I encourage you to expand and experiment so you can create the work the way you want it to look, not the way I am doing it.
What This Course Will Do For You
- During the course you will gain more confidence in your artistic ability, knowing that the work you want to create is within your reach.
- Once you have finished this course, you will be able to impress your friends and family with the a stunning seascape artwork which you have created, from scratch, with your own two hands.
- Going forward, you will have knowledge and the skills to create your own artworks and develop your own painting stye.
Who This Course is For
- If you have been trying to learn painting by watching free art tutorials online but find that they always go too fast or don't give you all the information you need to make real progress, then I can help.
- This is the course for you if you want to be able to interact with your instructor, asking questions along the way.
- Finally, this course is perfect for you if you only have an hour or so a week that you can devote to learning art.
What You Will Learn
- In this course I explain, in great detail and in easy to understand language, everything you need to know to be able to create your own seascape painting.
- You will learn basic art principles and a number of techniques that will enable you create realistic artworks while still allowing you to develop your own painting style.
- I also show you how to troubleshoot any problems with your work and make the necessary adjustments, without having to start all over again.
Course Outline
Lesson 1 - Tools and Equipment
Firstly I show you all the paints, brushes and other equipment that you will need to finish this course. Also included is a bonus painting equipment checklist.
Lesson 2 - Create a colour gradient background
You will learn to mix your paint to the right consistency, apply the paint to the canvas and to blend colours seamlessly using only paint and water. At the end of the lesson you will have a colourful background for your seascape painting.
Lesson 3 - Add the waves to your painting
In this lesson you will learn how to show form in a painting using light and shade, how to mix shadow colours and apply them and how to use negative space to make adjustments to your painting. Included in this lesson is a colour wheel template for you to download and keep.
Lesson 4 - Adding movement and finishing touches
The final lesson in the course is where I show you how to make your painting look a little more real by adding some reflections and movement to the water. Then we add a few finishing touches and reveal your finished artwork.
Your Instructor

Jenny Buchanan
I've been creating and selling art for 23 years. Over that time I have won several art awards, participated in gallery exhibitions and have two public works of art to my credit.

Painting Style
I like to paint in a variety of styles, that is why I was approached by Artable studio to teach in their weekly acrylic painting class. That is also why I can help you learn to paint, whatever your style is.

Painting Mediums
I have taught classes and workshops in acrylics, watercolour and pastels and I have worked on a variety of surfaces. Acrylic painting, however, is my specialty.
Are You Ready?
If you are ready to call yourself an artist then now is the time.
This is a brand new course so I am not trying to make a profit, just recoup my costs and get valuable feedback from you. That's why I am offering the Simple Seascape Painting Course at a very special introductory price.
This course will never be offered at this price again.
In addition, anyone who purchases the course in the first round will get FREE lifetime access to any future upgraded versions.
You've got nothing to lose. If you work through all the lessons and I have not been able to help you successfully complete a seascape painting then I will return your money, no questions asked.
Life is too short to put things off any longer. Now is the time.
If not now, when?
Enrolments are now CLOSED. Sign up to be notified when the next course opens
My Promise
I promise to help you acquire the skills you will need to create stunning seascape paintings in Acrylics.
If you complete the course and feel that I have not lived up to this promise then I will gladly refund your money.